
Upcoming Events

Here's a snapshot of some of the events we'll be a part of in June...


World Utilities Congress

16 - 18 September 2024

The World Utilities Congress takes place in Abu Dhabi and will bring together global leaders, policymakers and innovators from the energy and water utilities sectors. 

Discussions will focus on current trends and major challenges in order for the industry to deliver secure, sustainable and affordable energy. Join us alongside other industry experts to collaborate and create a clean energy future. 

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New York Climate Week

22 - 29 September 2024

New York Climate Week is the largest annual climate event of its kind, bringing together over 600 events and activities across the city. 

This years theme, It's Time, tackles urgency. Despite record clean energy investment, the climate crisis intensifies. We must break down barriers and inspire faster action from businesses and governments. This global event unites leaders and communities to drive unstoppable progress towards a net-zero future.



11 - 24 November 2024

The 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change is to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan. 

The framework for action focuses on three pillars: A fixed objective, Enhance ambition & enable action and Inclusivity.

We're looking forward to seeing you there! 

London Climate Action Week

Here's a snapshot of some of the events we hosted with partners....


Women in Carbon Breakfast

Over the course of the co-hosted breakfast, guests heard from the panel and later interacted in small groups focusing on four key themes: 

1. Creating a cohesive carbon markets narrative 

2. What do buyers need from the SBTi announcement and consultation? 

3. Building credible pathways with finance, legal and risk in organisations 

4. Bettering mentoring - up, down, inside and out for outcomes 


UK Policy Dinner

Our dinner brought together leaders from industry, finance, politics and academia to explore UK specific solutions such as:

1. Leveraging British carbon mechanisms to encourage the private sector to mobilise decarbonisation capital and drive forward change.

2. How to position the UK as a leading country in unlocking global energy transition via blended finance and innovative carbon market solutions. 


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Carbon Forward Türkiye
Izmir, Türkiye
09 - 10 May


San Francisco Climate Week
San Francisco, USA
21 – 23 April


IMF & World Bank Meetings
Washington, USA
16 – 19 April


IETA European Climate Summit 
Florence, Italy
16–18 April



Carbon Forward Asia
7–8 March 2024

We participated in Carbon Forward Asia which focused on ASEAN markets: India, China, ANZ, Japan, and South Korea. We also explored regional opportunities and discussed global carbon pricing trends. 


E-World energy & water Essen, Germany
20-22 February 2024

We delivered a keynote address at the Accenture E-World event which explored topics surrounding energy transition and emerging growth avenues, emphasizing the importance of collaboration in driving transformative change.


IEF KSA Carbon Markets Riyadh, Saudi Arabia      20 February 2024

Our CEO addressed the IEF KSA Carbon Markets Summit, highlighting the potential of carbon markets and credit mechanisms to stimulate investments in Circular Carbon Economy (CCE) technologies like CCUS, BECCS, and DACS.


Scaling Carbon Markets Davos, Switzerland
15–19 January 2024

We attended the DAVOS annual meeting to discuss pressing issues facing the global economy. With Goals House, we hosted a ‘Scaling Carbon Finance’ dinner with CSOs, CFOs and Heads of Trading from some of the largest global companies.